

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Disney's A Christmas Carol

     The timeless classic, A Christmas Carol, made its way into theaters in 2009. This film was the first of any Disney film to be featured in IMAX 3D. By including popular actors voicing the characters in the film, such as Jim Carrey, the fans of not only Disney, but of Jim Carrey as well made up the target audience. According to PRnewswire, "This arrangement makes some of the Studio's most highly anticipated theatrical releases from November 2009 and beyond available to IMAX venues across the country and around the world." However, the film did make $30 million less the opening weekend setting their expectations way back. 
     The classic story A Christmas Carol will forever be a tale that is passed down through many generations. The film, with a Disney twist is loved by many and will without a doubt be played year after year on Christmas Eve.


Disney's New Five-Picture Deal With IMAX to Begin With 'A Christmas Carol' (n.d.). Retrieved February 27, 2015, from http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/disneys-new-five-picture-deal-with-imax-to-begin-with-a-christmas-carol-65472392.html

1 comment:

  1. I admire Disney's continuous take on advancing films, novels, characters, and shows onto higher levels. Some people get annoyed over the fact that Disney attempts to re-create ideas or spend time and money advancing stories, but I am a huge fan. If any corporation plans to advance stories, in my opinion, it should be Disney.
